About that Lunar Eclipse on 7/27/2018

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From: My Spiritual Team

To: You

Friday’s Lunar Eclipse will be a very beautifully awesome sight. There is a meaning to it for me. Usually when eclipses happen it affects us in a number of ways. What I feel the is means for you and me are major changes and major endings.

This change and ending is something you are aware of all ready but for some reason you either just been holding on to it or you feel stuck in it. This eclipse comes to your rescue if you want out. It is time to release the drama. That means getting out of a toxic relationship, leaving that dead end job and getting out of old ways of thinking that are holding you back from the very blessing God has for you. These never ending cycles are about to end.

I want you to get ready and be prayed up for this ride into your new journey, your new chapter that will happen in your life. Keep in mind change is always good. Make this change what you want it to be so you can be truly your better SELF!


Blessings to you all

~Bria Lee~

Are you losing yourself..

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When I read for people I usually tend to feel their energy, so I will leave this here:


If lately, you have been feeling like you’re outside of your body. You can’t explain it. It’s like you don’t recognize yourself. You look like you but you are a stranger to yourself. You often say “This can’t be my life right now.” You have lost yourself and you don’t know who you are anymore or which path to take. I want you to know, you are indeed yourself. You are just out of balance. You just got too wrapped up into life that you lost who you are. It is time for you to re-introduce yourself to you. I want you to pick a day this week, any day. Take two hours out of that day to be alone and meditate. Shut off the thought process. When all is quiet and you feel at peace. Visualize yourself, and introduce yourself to you.  Apologize to yourself for being neglectful and not taking care of you. Promise yourself that you will let go of that toxic energy, let go of self-doubt and accept you for the perfect being you are made to be by working within yourself to love yourself again.  You deserve it, you are worth it and most of all you are LOVED. Never let anyone tell you different.

Creating your future

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I just want to ask you all something. Do you know how powerful you are?  Yes you! You have the almighty ability to create whatever you want and it all starts with a thought. That one thought leads to a feeling and that feeling is automatically attracting the very thing that piqued your thought. So it is very important that you are aware of what your mind process throughout the day. Just know every moment you are creating your future reality.  So you tell me: How’s your future looking right now?




Hello and Welcome to my space!!!

Thank you for checking out my store. I am happy you are here because I need to tell you something. You are more than what you know and you are more than what you have ever been taught. Whatever is holding you back is only an illusion and you have the power to break free from it. You are beautifully created for an amazing purpose, an amazing journey. I am happy to share this life space with you.

Be free.